Monday, March 22, 2010

"The only disability is a bad attitude"

Up at 5:30 this morning, pleased that I'd have some time to write this blog before the big girl got up. Full of inspiration and energy, I fed the little one, then sat down to write. And I couldn't log on. "Invalid password" again and again. I knew it was right. I just set up the account yesterday. I tried and tried and tried, to no avail.

Needless to say, my attitude needed an adjustment. Then, I read my dear friend's blog, in which she detailed her irritation and need for an attitude adjustment. Which reminded me of Scott Hamilton's words, "The only disability is a bad attitude".

I think I first came upon these words in the context of "special needs" kids. Conjuring images of the short bus and alienation. I am super sensitive about special needs. So sensitive that I'm not ready to write about it yet.

So for now, thank you M for reminding me that the color of my day is always in my hands. It was a hard day, but a pretty good one, and I can thank my pretty, funny, talented, runner-Mommy-writer friend for steering me in the right direction. M, you're an awesome person!

Oh, and the password? It was right. The login name (one that I chose only 1 day ago) was wrong. ENTIRELY my mistake. So, K, we all have blonde moments. And, S, I'm writing this fully dressed. I'll have to warm up to blogging before I let it all hang out...

1 comment:

  1. hilarious! the last of my catch up reading and I love every word! thank you for being such a fantastic writer!
