Friday, March 26, 2010

time to burn

Enough has been written, continues to be written, about Tiger Woods and Jesse James and their wandering penises. (Is is peni- like the plural for Elvis- Elvi? Or walruses- walrei?)

But I can't help but add my 2 cents. Both of these guys have small children. I have small children. I don't have a freakin' second to myself. True, I'm typing right now, but it's 5 am and I have a two year old in my lap. Not exactly alone time.

My point is, who has time to burn? If you have time to have an affair, you have too much time on your hands. Idle hands are the devils tools after all. But how did they find the time in the first place? For one affair, let alone several! For the hundreds of text messages they sent?

If you're on Facebook you find that a lot of people have time to burn. Oh, I'm not talking about the people who post a couple of status updates each week. I'm talking about the people playing Farmville and Bejewelled (?) and Petville and Gardenville and Farkle (what the fark is farkle anyhow? I don't know- I don't have time to investigate!). I can't help myself- I judge these people! I don't think they're horrible people, I just can't help thinking they have too damned much time on their hands. And I'm jealous. I want some of that time!

What would YOU do with more time?

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