I have never been great at math. Full disclosure: I failed math in 10th grade, and had to repeat it the following year. For an otherwise straight A student, this was beyond humiliating. I ended up kicking butt the second time around, but this failure was enough to scar me for life. I carry that F like a scarlet letter, branding me as forever bad at math.
It turns out that I'm pretty good at real life math, except for when it comes to time management. The little one has been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks now, which is wonderful beyond measure. I have been waiting for this extra time at night for nearly 3 years. But now my to do list has swelled to simply unreasonable proportions. I have 2 hours after the kids go to bed and before I should go to bed in order for me to be well rested.
Instead, I'm trying to cram every little thing I ever dreamed of accomplishing into that time slot. Watch TV/movies, exercise, clean the kitchen, organize the kids' toys, pedicure, bath, laundry, fold laundry, clean the bathrooms, empty the trash, knit, pore over cookbooks, fundraising for the school, Facebook, thank you cards, wrap gifts, email, blogging... So now I'm going to bed later than ever before and getting less sleep than I should... And all I really wanted was some more sleep.
I guess I really DO suck at math.
2 Black(ish) Owls
7 hours ago
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