Technically, yesterday was the last day of my self imposed 40 day blogging challenge. Except that I didn't post yesterday, nor did I post the day before. Oh well, sometimes you go out with a bang, sometimes with a whisper, sometimes... nothing.
A few weeks ago, when I missed posting for one day, I was wracked with anxiety and disappointment. Now, not a big deal. So I missed 3-4 days of the 40. I also posted twice a day on several occasions. It's a reflection of my life goal: BALANCE.
I learned a lot in the last 40 days.
1. I am more private with information than I am with feelings.
2. Blogs are more interesting when they include photos. But my sense of privacy doesn't allow me to include photos of myself or any of the people in my life on my blog. Therefore, my blog will never be as interesting as it could be.
3. 40 days really does cement a habit. I definitely had the need to blog, even when time did not allow me to sit in front of a computer.
4. I never once ran out of material to write about, only time.
I also discovered that the blogs I truly love have one of these qualities in common:
a) Challenge: I love when there is a specific challenge or goal, such as the "Julie & Julia" blogger's goal of cooking every dish from Julia Child's cookbook. I love The Uniform Project ( ). Sheena wore the same dress every day as a statement about sustainable living, creativity, and as a fundraiser. She just finished her year of daily blogging today. Before I started this challenge, I was desperate to come up with a challenge of my own, but finally conceded that the simple challenge of writing something every day while also raising children, etc, was more than enough on my plate. Still, I dream of someday finding that specific goal that lights a fire under me.
b) Emotion: Authentic emotion. I find it all the time in my friends' blogs, and particularly on the blog:
c) Quantity: Yes, I do prefer my bloggers to post often. It's a drag checking back again and again, only to see the same old post up for days or weeks on end. However, will I continue to post daily? I don't know.
d) Inspiration: It's always fulfilling to read a post that makes me want to do better. I don't know if this qualifies as a blog, but check out .
e) A combination of a & d: Philanthropic posts get me every time. I am committed to my friend Norm's Facebook group "Kenya Spare a Camera?" which chronicled his month volunteering at an orphanage in Kenya and really brought to light the fact that people can get together and make a difference! I adore and the phenomenal woman who created it, Amy. Ditto .
I'd love to hear about the sites that YOU love, too!
So, there you have it: I have no bold declarations, no new challenge, no promises to blog every day... nothing new. I do plan on keeping this little thing going for the time being, and will always welcome your thoughts.
2 Black(ish) Owls
7 hours ago
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