No sooner do I blog about my shameful history (or lack thereof) in the kitchen, but I get a compliment about my culinary prowess. A mom friend from school- an amazing homemaker who cooks/gardens/sews/keeps the cleanest house I have EVER seen- shared this:
Her son was telling his dad about the day at school and said "C's mom (aka me) made muffins, and they were so good I ate two!" The dad's response to his wife (aka Supermom/Superwife) was "K makes muffins AND she has two kids?! YOU don't make me muffins..."
Sigh... Grass is always greener, no? I'm greedy enough that I'll take that compliment even at the expense of my dear friend. (Tongue firmly planted in cheek.)
2 Black(ish) Owls
6 hours ago
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