I could eat pizza every day. I often do.
I don't believe in astrology, but I'm a classic Aries.
I miss distance running.
Most of the time I'd rather eat off of the kids menu.
I love animals, but I don't want to be friends with all of them.
I'm judgemental of people who don't recycle.
I'm judgemental in general.
Thank you cards are important to me. But I'm still waaaay behind with mine.
Sees soft centered milk chocolates are a gift from God. And my husband.
I'm a creature of habit.
I love breakfast for dinner, and pasta for breakfast.
I have a love-hate relationship with psychobabble.
I love to give gifts.
I love Kundalini yoga- even the chanting.
I love exploding bubblegum- the kind with syrup in the center.
I would do anything for my kids. Anything.
2 Black(ish) Owls
7 hours ago
I wouldn't have pegged you as the exploding bubblegum type:) However, I knew about the pizza.