Saturday night was date night, and since both kids are sleeping through the night now, I was finally up for both dinner and a movie, for the first time in years. I betray our demographic when I tell you that I chose "Date Night" as the movie. Tina Fey, Steve Carrell- two of the most adorable, attractive, hilarious people on the planet (both celebrity crushes of mine), playing a married couple with two kids, just like R and me. It seemed too good to be true, and I was so scared that I'd be disappointed.
I needn't have worried. I laughed harder watching that movie than I have in a long time, and keep in mind, I have small children who do funny things every day. I laughed so hard that my theater seat squeaked away uncontrollably. I laughed so hard I thought I would choke.
That movie may well have been written about me. When Steve (hubby) asks Tina (wife) if she dreams about leaving him to have sex with other men, and she responds that she dreams of running off to a hotel to enjoy a quiet sandwich with a diet Sprite, I thought, EXACTLY! It's actually embarassing how much I relate to her character in that movie.
For days, I have been laughing out loud to myself as I remember different scenes and moments. If you are married with kids, see it.
2 Black(ish) Owls
7 hours ago
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