Most days as I return home after preschool drop off, I see an old(er) man (I'm guessing he's at least 65) jogging. He doesn't always wear the same outfit, but it is always some variation of the following: Hawaiian shirt (button down), and knee length (Bermuda?) shorts. In other words, nothing he wears, except for his running shoes, in any way resembles fitness gear. He is bespectacled, jogs at a snail's pace and has poor running form. But he is out there, nearly every day, running. I don't know how many miles he runs or how long he takes, but he is lapping me just by being out there.
That reminds me of an older man who I see at the Y every day. For the first couple of years I saw him he wore khaki pants, a button-up shirt, and loafers to work out. He still has the button-up shirt, but has recently graduated to running shoes and sweatpants. I'm so proud of Lenny (I call him Lenny because he looks like a Lenny - I don't know his real name. Maybe I should ask.)